Health Analysis & Report
Problems Related To Health Or Questions Generally Asked…
Health is one of the vital and most important things or resources of life. Therefore, problems related with health and vitality are grave problems, which must be handled seriously, impeccably, and as quickly as could be possible. The science of astrology is fully capable of tackling various health related problems also. Your horoscope gives several clues to your health and what you might do to improve problems you may have with it. Your health problem will be particularly influential and apparent in the environment of the House the planet is in, and the reason for the planet causing trouble is seen in the aspects it forms to other planets – either those of your birth chart, or planets in the sky that form transit aspects to those in your chart. One of the great things about Medical Astrology is that it can enable us to work around the timing of diseases, or accidental injuries, or other health problems and to estimate the duration of any illness. This is very useful, as well as being reassuring to sufferers. Health issues are largely governed by the sixth house and its planetary ruler, along with the ascendant and its planetary ruler in a nativity (personal birth chart). The situation of the Sun and Moon are also significant, as are the placement of Saturn (chronic conditions) and Mars (acute conditions). Naturally the nativity must be viewed as a whole and these factors seen in context, especially with regard to the Decumbiture chart, the horary tool for astrological diagnosis.
- When will be my health improve?
- Why my partner is suffering from health problem?
- When my partner would get better?
- Why my father/mother is suffering from health problem?
- When father/mother would get better?
- Is disease I am having curable or incurable?
- Should I go for a surgery or continue with medicines itself?
- Will an alternate therapy bring betterment in my health?
- Is my doctor good or should I change my physician?
- I have a fear of accident, will it occur?
Should I go to abroad for treatment? - I think I have a serious disease. Please advise me.
- Should I go in for a complete medical check-up immediately?
- Doctor are unable to cure the disease.
- Astrologically can you point out if this a curable disease or do I have to live with it?
Everyone knows that health is wealth. When our health is in good condition than we can do everything very easily. But, sometimes we get sick and our health does not cure. What is the reason behind it? How much time it will take? We will answer you all these questions. Mantras have great power. We will provide effective mantra or remedy (If needed) so that you can overcome from this problem and live your life happily.
How Can We Help You
In today’s world, astrology is the best tool to reduce your problem in very short duration of time. You have to give a little bit information about you. We will analysis your kundli very deeply. We will tell your past, present and future status. We will discuss your problems then we will give you very easy and effective remedies (If needed), so that you can easily overcome from your problems.
Live Online Astrology Consultation
Want to discuss all your issues and plans with an expert astrologer? Astrosakha gives you freedom to talk or chat with one of the best online world famous astrologer Jb Sharma Ji. Go ahead, let him do prediction, what future (God) has written for you.
Now We Have
Astrological remedies for any kind of the problem of
the people for their better and trouble free life. Make it happy and joyous with astrology.





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